Are you looking for a 2SLGBTQIA+ Neurodivegent Social/Peer Support Group? Well you might enjoy our partnered group with Autism Society, Newfoundland & Labrador.

Sign up for the September to December meetings today by scanning the QR Code. Or click this link

Register to join us virtually or in-person for a social/peer support group. 

This group is open to anyone 16+ years who identifies with the Autistic community(late diagnosis (Dx), Self Dx, Dx in childhood, or relates with Autistic culture - other neurodivergent profiles accepted ie: ADHD) and with the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. 

There are 2 groups available to join (yes, you can join both):

2SLGBTQIA+ & Neurodivergent Social/Peer Support Group 

Dates: Once per month / fall dates TBD
Time: 7:00 - 8:00pm
Location: ZOOM
You will receive the session invite through your email, there will be a link highlighted which you click to open ZOOM.

Dates: Biweekly Tuesdays & Thursdays 
Time: 7:00- 8:30 pm 
ASNL - Elaine Dobbin Centre for Autism
70 Clinch Crescent
St. John’s, NL


Quadrangle NL 
330 Elizabeth St. John's, NL

At group sessions we expect and respect confidentiality, at the beginning of our sessions there will always be a reminder of confidentiality but you will be expected to respect this rule after the group is over. 

This group is open to all people's, we are allies, advocates, and community members who identify within marginalized groups. If you want to participate in this group there is an expectation you will respect and support all identities, genders, ethnicities, and cultures. There is no room for hate in Canada or in our community programming.